About the video

Andalusia is the second European region in terms of agricultural production, with more than 300,000 farmers and 5,400 agro-industries and where irrigation is key to develop the agriculture. The Andalusian agrifood sector is diverse, technological and dynamic.

Andalusian Agrotech Digital Innovation Hub is the largest European regional public-private ecosystem to accelerate, accompany and channel digital innovation in the agrifood sector. This hub involves more than 140 members that are included in the quadruple helix model of innovation: Government, competence centres, agrifood and TIC sector and civil society.

It is an one-stop shop and a platform that enable the effective collaboration amongst the actors of the hub. Also Agrotech offers a catalogue of services geared to the needs of the sector: training, co-creation, pilot projects, open data, financing strategies and observatory.

Our DIH is establishing strategic alliances with other European centers to create shared value, as example AndalucĂ­a Agrotech DIH participates in the SmarAgriHubs Project within the Regional Cluster Iberia.



Judit Anda Ugarte

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