3 teams
2 days

A workshop was organised in October 2020, on the topic of digital solutions for short food supply chains. A hackathon followed in December. Hackathon Hack3F started with introductory lectures on the needs and expectations of participants in short supply chains or existing solutions as good practices that could inspire the teams participating in the event. Experts also presented interesting tools that could support their work on solutions. After the topics and mentors were presented, the first mentoring session began. Then the teams started their own work on the projects.
The next day was marked by the final touches on solutions, two additional mentoring sessions and the presentation of the developed prototypes. Ultimately, after the jury's deliberations, it was decided to distinguish two solutions. The first proposed the creation of an intermediary platform between farmers and their customers allowing them to build a community of consumers and producers, jointly implementing the SFC model. The second, in turn, is a platform through which, at the prototype stage, users could check from which farmer they can buy products in a given grocery store in their area.
During the Hackathon the participants' work was also watched by representatives of two investment funds - Krystian Bania, investment manager at BTM Investments and president of Augere Healthy Food Fund - Tomasz Kaniowski

List of ideas that was worked on
4 main challenges were identified -It was also possible for the teams to propose their own topic in their application to the competition.:
- The first topic was focusing on transparency and access to information. How can we provide consumers with tools to verify the high quality of delivered products?
- The second topic focused on how to enable consumers to find out about suppliers offering different products.
- The third hackathon topic was to create a new channel for farmers and food producers to reach new target groups.
- The last topic was to connect farmers with customers and customers with farmers by providing constantly updated offer with presentation of real products.
One year of free access to the app organizing team’s work, support of the mentors and possibility of using the business guidance from TRDA team.
Organised by Torun Regional Development Agency - DIH
The Future of Farm to Fork (3F) – digital solutions for short food chains”
Team 1
This team work to produce a prototype for a mobile app supporting local community food delivery system, integrated with existing supplier platforms. Additionally, the app is aimed to have a help and messaging module and the intuitive map allowing local community to look for a product in the farmers' offer and pick the one closest to given location using an intuitive map.
Team 2
This team presented a prototype for an easy-to-use advertising platform between suppliers (farmers) and food producers / stores. The platform would enable bidirectional announcement, meaning the possibility of advertising both by producers looking for specific goods, and by suppliers offering their products. This platform’s key features were intuitive sorting and filtering system, as well as high scalability of the solution.