11 beginner international teams and 24 expert teams selected (101 individual participants)
2 day/6 weeks
Hack'20 was composed of 2 hackathons -an international hackathon which took place over 6 weeks and a regional hackathon that took place over 2 days. The international hackathon was aimed at experienced international teams with a prize of 10.000€. The regional hackathon was aimed at beginner innovators, with a prize of 4.000€. The hackathon was additionally funded by stakeholder contributions to the prize fund, additional funding from the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology of Lithuania, and direct contributions by AgriFood Lithuania DIH.
27/35 challenges directly or indirectly related to the COVID-19 crisis. After the presentations, at least three teams received offers of cooperation from international companies or clusters. One of these teams is Lines and Dots. The team’s idea of sustainable packaging was born and developed during the 6-week international hackathon.
Link to the website: https://www.hackagrifood.lt/

List of ideas that was worked on
All the challenges of the hackathon were real problems of AgriFood companies from Lithuania, Latvia, Spain and Austria. For the international online hackathon, the topics were focused on local food supply networks, utilizing production side streams, smart food packaging, solving last mile delivery.
For the regional online hackathon, the topics were AI solutions in agrifood, reducing food loss and food waste, crisis-adverse horticulture, mitigating labour shortage, smart animal husbandry, side stream valorization and boosting local production.
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Prizes /winners – Expert/international hackathon
Prizes /winners – Beginner/regional hackathon
Organised by AgriFood Lithuania DIH
Hack AgriFood 2020:
RESPOND to the COVID-19 crisis (HACK’20)
Shandi Global
Pitch deck video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8CiwTCGiFo
This Singapore based team focused on providing locally produced non-soya plant proteins. The goal was to propose a functional plant-based alternative to fresh meat, made without any artificial or chemical processing available at an affordable price. The winning team was awarded a -€ 5.000 cash-prize as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations. After the international hackathon, AgriFood Lithuania DIH signed a cooperation agreement with the hackathon winners.
The NovFeed team proposed to re-use by-products from oil or juice production.
This solution would provide cost-effective fish feed based on indigenous, locally produced, and sustainable ingredients. This team is based in Tanzania, and also works on insect based fish feeds. The team was awarded a €3,000 cash prize, as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations.
Baltic Freya
This team proposed a vertical farming solution to fight logistics costs and emissions, resource waste, and pollution of traditional agriculture. The problem was that when using fogponics you could not control the fog and Baltic Freya has created a modular fog evaluation, monitoring and control system which makes fogponics vertical farming easy. They were awarded a €2,000 cash-prize, as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations.
Baby Carrots/Smart Tomato
Team Baby Carrots was formed during the hackathon, finding the missing team member to their puzzle. This has proven successful, as they won the regional hackathon. To evaluate food ripeness accurately and reduce post-harvest food loss, the team Baby Carrots have created an AI-driven app called Smart Tomato, which can show fruit ripening level, nutrition information and can detect diseases based on a photo of the fruit. They were awarded a €2,000 cash-prize, as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations.
With the Estonian strawberry farmers losing around 60-70% of harvest in summer 2020 due to labour shortage, team BerryBot has created a concept of an affordable AI-driven robot, that can detect ripe strawberries and pick them. They were awarded a €1,000 cash-prize, as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations.
AI4Fruits: Fruit ripeness detection
The team AI4Fruit has created a spectral data-based decision making app that can detect the ripeness of the fruit for sustainable agriculture that will solve enormous amounts of fruits wasted due to the unavailability of smart technology to pick them at the right time. They were awarded a €500 cash-prize, as well as support in the form of mentorship, webinars and individual consultations.