13 solutions submitted
7 elegible solutions
6 days

AgrIsland Hackathon will build upon agri-food Macaronesian issues confirmed by regional stakeholders to draft the requirements demanded for each type of solution. As a result, digital solutions developed during AgrIsland Hackathon will be fully aligned with real needs, and therefore, reuse of solution is granted. In this sense, top 15 digital solutions will participate in the Design Factory, a supporting programme to provide them with tools and mindset to design services and product with a user-centred approach

List of ideas that was worked on
The general Challenge was the enhancement of competitiveness through digital solutions that strengthen supply chains within the agri-food sector. As many sectors, agri-food is severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This impact will be even deeper in regions where there are more barriers that shrink opportunities for a prosper future. The Macaronesia region, made up of islands, gathers several aspects that, together, put the agri-food sector in a poor condition:
Outermost region: Being an outermost region involves several weaknesses itself. Remoteness, poor connection and high economic dependency on a few sectors mainly services are some of the barriers an outermost island has to deal with. Now, COVID-19 has even worsened those aspects.
Water resources: Although an island is surrounded by water, ironically water access is a major problem. The proper management of water in islands is extremely essential as one of the main water supplies for irrigation is based on desalted water, very demanding energy process. This is an issue in order to follow the principles of the Green Deal on sustainable food system.
Limited space: An island is a small portion of land surrounded by water. Therefore, unlike mainland, optimization of space for agricultural crops is crucial.
Food security: Poverty affects the 36% of population in Macaronesia. As an example, in the Canary Islands there are a total of six social canteens in the entire region. Situation in Azores and Madeira is similar. Azores islands are the Portuguese region with the highest poverty rate with even fewer social canteens than CIR. A better management of resources is needed to provide efficient and sustainable solution to nourishment access.
These different challenges were the main topic for this hackathon.
12 months of consultancy services, 6 months of co-working space and participation in a UX training programme.
6 months of consultancy services and participation in a UX training programme.
3 months of consultancy services and participation in a UX training programme.
Organised by Canary Island Digital Innovation Hub (CIDIHub)
Agrisland hackaton
Second place: AgroAzores
This team from the Azores tried to answer the following question: how can the agro sector in the Azores digitize their information/sales flow?
As winner of the second prize, the team wins a package valued at 3.500€. The package includes 6 months of business creation mentoring, participation in a UX-OPTIMIZED products and service design program.
First place: AgroCanaryfood
The solution presented by the winning AgroCanaryFood team consists of a mobile app that connects “producer-distributor-client”, generating an ecosystem from “farm to table”. Its objectives are to improve product traceability and reduce costs.
As winner of the first prize, the AgroCanaryFood Team win a package valued at 10.000€. The package will include 12 months of business creation mentoring to develop their project, 6 months of coworking desks for the team, gaming sets for each member of the team (courtesy of Global Technology Canarias), as well as participation in a UX-OPTIMIZED products and service design program.
Third place: AGRIMOLA
This team from Madeira worked on how to improve the competitiveness and viability of agricultural holdings and, at the same time, to support traditional and environmentally sustainable agricultural systems and landscapes.
As winners of the third place, AGRIMOLA wins a package valued at 1.500€. The package includes 3 months of business creation mentoring, as well as participation in a UX-OPTIMIZED products and service design program.
In addition, a draw of 1 basket of fruits and 1 basket of vegetables was raffled among the participants.