6 selected projects, 41 participants
5 months
The objective of the Food Log Proximity project was to identify and provide support to companies having digital solutions for short food supply chains in the Region Occitanie.
The project was implemented through three main stages:1/ Collection of challenges, 2/ Call for manifestation of interests, and 3/ Organization of the FLP event. Call for manifestation of interests: the objective was to identify companies with solutions to address the challenges collected in the first stage of the project. The consortium has invited candidates to apply on the Food Log Proximity (FLP) platform. During this stage, the work of the consortium was to identify potential candidates, to animate discussions between candidates and to create links to set up projects covering the entire value chain. 26 companies answered the Call for manifestation of interest. After discussion with the challenge holders, it was decided to organise 6 groups (out of 11 challenges) during the event (41 participants). The members of the consortium composed the groups according to the solutions pro-posed by the companies. Each workshop was animated by a member of the consortium and the structure which has proposed the challenge.
More than a hackathon, the event was about implementing, over a full day, a project maturation workshop to find preliminary answers to a certain number of challenges posed by local stakeholders.
The list of solution proposed and the corresponding challenges are still available on the Food Log Proximity website.
List of ideas that was worked on
- Group 1: Animated by ASOI and “Chambre d’agriculture du Tarn worked on ‘Optimization of the farmers’ marketplace for the “Chambre d’Agriculture”
- Group 2: Animated by D113 and Minjat worked on a platform for pooling supplies between actors in short food supply chains with shared sourcing.
- Group 3: Animated by We4log and Region Occitanie worked on logistical optimisation of the regional purchasing for the collective catering.
- Group 4: Animated by ASOI and “Marché d’Intérêt National” Montpellier worked on the massification and optimisation of food redistribution flows in the Montpellier metropolitan area.
- Group 5: Animated by ASOI and Drive fermier Toulousain worked on development of a logistical tool to coordinate different collection points as part of a farmer's drive marketplace on the scale of the metropolis of Toulouse.
- Group 6: Animated by ASOI and Consign’up worked on an IT management tool for efficient logistics supporting the return of the consignment in Occitanie.
Selected projects
Team 2: "An IT tool to improve the reorganization of the logistical food flows to school canteens in a rural area"
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Team 1 "Optimization of the farmers’ marketplace for the “Chambre d’Agriculture”
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Team 3: Logistical tool to coordinate different collection point as part of a farmers’ marketplace in Toulouse Metropole"
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Team 1: Support by ASOI, Digital 113 and We4log to build the project and find funding opportunities;
Team 2: Support by ASOI, Digital 113 and We4log to build the project and find funding opportunities
Team 3: Support by ASOI, Digital 113 and We4log to build the project and find funding opportunities
Co-construction Event
Organised by DIH Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation
FoodLog Proximity
Optimization of the farmers’ marketplace for the “Chambre d’Agriculture”
The “Chambre d’Agriculture du Tarn” has created a farmer's drive-in marketplace during the first lockdown. There is a need to optimize the organization of this marketplace with solutions like connected lockers or any other method to improve logistics, especially to foster the mutualization of transport.
Solutions discussed during the workshop:
- DYNAPSE platform: Dynapse can create a marketplace where orders are connected to a locker access code.
- Chemin des Mûres: this SME develops an algorithm which takes into account all operational needs and organises food transport from start to finish with the best solutions for the mutualization between producers.
- DYDAPS: Dydaps can interconnect the different tools to optimize the development and the analysis of functional requirements
The objective of the project is to connect these three technological blocks.
An IT tool to improve the reorganization of the logistical food flows to school canteens in a rural area.
The association “Mangez Lotois” provides supplies to the collective catering in the Département of the Lot which is a rural area. The challenge was to organize the transport of products through the implementation of a digital tool to organize the delivery rounds to 40 schools in rural area.
The solution that emerged from this workshop is:
- Chemins des Mûres: It offers an analysis of transport flows and costs, and seeks to share them as much as possible for a better logistic between producers and customers.
- Promus: It offers to deploy secure, refrigerated warehouses, adapted to local circuits to mutualize the transport of food products.
- La Charrette: It offers its experience in reorganising delivery routes and the possibility of working with wholesalers to increase the number of references and use the delivery potential.
Development of a logistical tool to coordinate different collection point as part of a farmers’ marketplace in Toulouse Metropole.
“Le drive fermier toulousain” is an association of farmers that sells its members' products online (30 members), but encounters some difficulties such as:
- Lack of IT tool and human resources,
- Lack of optimization of the downstream logistics
- A difficulty to find a sustainable economic model.
The solution discussed in this workshop aimed at developing a digital tool to formalize a long-term organization enabling the distribution of local food products from producers to individual customers in the Toulouse metropolitan area, in the best possible conditions in terms of time, costs and quality of service. To do so, the objective is to develop a strategy concerning the question of governance and the reference framework of the Toulouse Farmers' market. This work will be done by the consultant RUBBEES. Concerning the definition of logistical framework, a study will be conducted in partnership with Mapo tempo.