69 proposals submitted
10 best proposals selected
7 days
The presentation of the "Agrotech Awards" challenge call has taken place at the 3rd edition of the Startups Europe Smart Agrifood Summit, which was held on 24 and 25 September 2020 in a hybrid format at the Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga.
This challenge was aimed at any individual, company, research group or consortium of companies that present an idea focused on the agri-food sector with a technological base.
The objective of this project was to find the best solution that allows the development of a technological project aimed at mitigating the problems that have worsened due to the pandemic situation in the agri-food supply chain. The project considered as fundamental pillars the principles of safety and hygiene, sustainability and joint hygiene, sustainability and co-responsibility of the actors. The challenge was to actively promote the circular economy and "last mile" delivery strategies, empowering and providing opportunities for both producers and end-consumers.

List of ideas that was worked on
The awards sought technological solutions that strengthen and improve the supply chain between producers and end consumers, guaranteeing and improving the entire process having in consideration of the sustainability of the process and the hygienic conditions recommended in times of Covid-19. A total of 36 ideas have been presented, of which the organizers have selected ten, mainly digital platforms through which buying / selling is encouraged.
Team 1: € 15,000 Prize
Team 2: Support in the searching for a call for funding to develop their project
Team 3: Collaborating to develop together last-mile strategies.
Organised by First Digital Innovation Hub for Industry Technology Knowledge Linares (DIH-ITK)
La coolmena

Video announcing the winners (in Spanish) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iQRSOG3pn8
Video on Twitter (in Spanish) explaining the project: https://twitter.com/i/status/1332269784038330369
“La Coolmena" is a digital platform that allows direct sales between producer and consumer, with the structure of NGOs.
The Malaga winning team, chosen by public vote with more than 50% of the votes, has been awarded 15,000 euros. Coolmena, under the slogan "the field is yours", is the combination of a digital platform, which enable direct sales between producer and consumer, with the structure of NGOs, to solve last-mile logistics. This platform will allow end-users to purchase products of the highest quality directly from farmers in their area at a fair price for both the farmer and the consumer. Furthermore, the benefits of distribution remain with the people who receive food aid (NGO). Each Authorized Distribution Organization (OAR) acts as the “cell” of a “colmena’ (a beehive in Spanish) and brings together producers from an area less than 50 kilometres around and consumers within a radius of about 5 km.
As the winners of this hackathon, they received a cash prize of € 15,000.

The idea of Agrotech Locker is to create an online marketplace and “lockers” as collection points.
Cooperatives and agricultural producers will list their products on the app. The client views the products and places an order. The customer is notified once the order is ready for shipment, and can select a locker for the delivery. The consumer will receive an access code to open the locker. The customer can pick up the order at the time that suits them best and at the locker of their choice. The lockers are refrigerated, which allows for the purchase and shipping of perishable items. For the producers, this solution is a quick and easy way to add a new sales channel to their portfolio. This systems promotes more efficient shipping by concentrating deliveries them in the lockers instead of home deliveries and thus reducing gas emissions.
As the second place of this hackathon, they were awarded support in the searching for a call for funding to develop their project.

Video (In Spanish) introducing this solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2smZAJkQOU
“Sostenibl.es” is an online platform that facilitates access to sustainable food for consumers. The platform is dedicated to SMEs, in the organic and sustainable agri-food sector. Sostenibl.es is developing an online marketplace that will allow you to buy all kinds of foods (including meat, fruits and vegetables), directly from small producers across Spain and receive them comfortably at home, without paying shipping costs. This solution favours short marketing channels and direct sales from the producer to the consumer. Consumers can access the best national products, and receive them at home for the same price, or even lower, than in the supermarket. The consumers can easily access information on the source of their products, which are set at a fair price for the producer.
They launched a beta platform at the end of 2020 and are looking forward to start to reach out to local partners.
As the winner of the third place for this hackathon, they will receive support and collaboration to develop their project.