The SmartAgriHubs Innovation Portal is growing: results so far and ongoing development
In the previous SAH newsletter we’ve announced the launch of the SmartAgriHubs Innovation Portal. Since the launch of this Portal in the beginning of September our online community has been growing rapidly. By now, the online community consists of over 230 organisations and more than 580 individual users, with new users joining on a daily basis!
Innovation Portal development update
With the network map, library, training section, calendar and forum all fully functional, the Innovation Portal already has a lot to offer for SmartAgriHubs stakeholders. Also, we are still working hard on improving existing features and developing new features. Since the launch of the portal the following improvements have been implemented:
On the recently added ‘’Latest’’ page all Innovation Portal members can see the latest developments in our online community. From new calendar events to library uploads, and from newly registered organisations to new forum threads: you will find shortcuts to all recent activity on the ‘’Latest’’ page.
SAH entities can now upload their organisation’s logo to their logo profile. This makes it easier to quickly find the organisation you are looking for on the network map.
The network map now shows organisational relations. Thus, you can now for example see which organisations take part in a specific DIH through the DIH’s profile. For relations between organisations to be established, the member of a DIH/RC/FIE will need to send a partnership request. The main user of the DIH/RC/FIE will then have to approve this request. So, when you are the main contact for an organisation, please check your profile for ‘new’ partnership requests regularly.
Recently a help section has been launched. Here you can find more information on how to use the Innovation Portal. For example, the help sections offers step-by-step guides on how to create a user account and how to create an organisation profile. You can also find more information on the different sections and features that the Innovation Portal has to offer, such as the library, the calendar, and the forum. This section will be further expanded in the future.
Next to these features we are working on a lot more functionalities, such as a matchmaking tool and an in-depth Competence Centre categorisation system. We will keep you updated on the progress.
Haven’t registered yet?
Did you not created an Innovation Portal user profile yet? You can do so through the SmartAgriHubs website. By joining the Innovation Portal you can, among other things, browse and contact over 230 organisations, ask questions on the forum, browse the events calendar and access hundreds of library items.
The SmartAgriHubs Innovation Portal Quiz
Did you already explore the SmartAgriHubs Innovation Portal? Have you used the network map to find new valuable contacts, or did you scoure the library for useful articles? Then you are probably an Innovation Portal expert by now. Take the quiz and see how much you know about the Innovation Portal. You might just win a SmartAgriHubs mug!
Do you want to have a chance to win a SmartAgriHubs mug? You can submit your answers by entering your own e-mail adress at the end of the quizz. The winner will be drawn amongst the correct answers.
other developments and
Florian Herzog
RC Central Europe introduction
"For us these three days in Prague have meant a great bunch of inspiration for our daily work in innovating agri-food sector. Combination of interesting presentations, intensive workshop discussions and meeting new exciting people have made the SAH kick-off event to an important starting point for our work within SAH ecosystem."
central europe

Anne-Claire Branellec
RC France introduction

"The kick-off event in Prague was a very rewarding experience due to the diversity of people we have met and to the projects presented. It is very exciting to be involved in this project with very high level partners."
Luis Mira
RC Iberia introduction

"The kick-off event of the SmartAgriHubs project in Prague was inspiring! I had the feeling that SmartAgriHubs can really make a difference in transforming agriculture in adopting digital technologies."
The SAH Innovation Portal
What's New
we went to Agritechnica
Last month, SmartAgriHubs partook in the much anticipated Agritechnica fair that took place in Hanover, Germany from November 10th until the 16th. Those of you who have not yet heard of this fair might be wondering why this was such an exciting opportunity for the project.
North-west europe
The SmartAgriHubs met with the Regional Clusters
At the start of December 2019, the SmartAgriHubs Communication team met with all the Regional Clusters leaders and co-leaders in Brussels.
UK & Ireland
SAH goes to Agritechnica
What did we do?
Last month, SmartAgriHubs partook in the much anticipated Agritechnica fair that took place in Hanover, Germany from November 10th until the 16th. Those of you who have not yet heard of this fair might be wondering why this was such an exciting opportunity for the project. To start off, Agritechnica is one of world’s largest trade fairs for agricultural technology where the innovations of leading companies in the industry are showcased. It covers the main aspects as well as actors in the agricultural sector, all spread out across an exhibition ground that throughout the entire week welcomes almost half a million people.
Secondly, this fair offered the opportunity to engage internal but mostly external stakeholders that have the interest and potential to be integrated into SmartAgriHubs’ ever-growing ecosystem. To do this, SAH was represented by five Regional Clusters: France, North-West Europe, Central Europe, Ireland & UK and South-East Europe; as well as Work Package 1 Members Schuttelaar & Partners and ZLTO. Members from the RCs and WP1 were present at the SAH booth for the duration of the whole week. The booth was equipped with multiple communication materials, such as flyers, postcards, posters, videos, the Innovation Portal and the online game to visualize what SAH is all about.
The main takeaways were that many developments are ongoing in the smart-farming sector, and that different actors are interested in SAH and its results. When it came explaining SAH’s goals of aiming to help digitalise 2 million European farms and to launch 80 new products onto the market, the booth visitors responded by being positively impressed by the project’s ambition.
Moreover, Agritechnica reinforced the importance and relevance of having a well-synergized and far-reaching ecosystem – this is an essential element that holds the potential when it comes attaining our goals in the European agri-food sector.
All in all, events such as Agritechnica can increase the reach and visibility of the project at the same time as they highlight the relevance of connecting the dots among players that are active across diverse aspects of the sector’s innovation process.
The SmartAgriHubs met with the Regional Clusters
At the start of December 2019, the SmartAgriHubs Communication team met with all the Regional Clusters leaders and co-leaders in Brussels. Over the course of two days, we discussed the importance of our communication activities, and how to ever-improve them. The Regional Clusters learned and exchanged experience on how to best disseminate information about our project, increase their local ecosystem, and better connect the stakeholders in their areas. We also discussed next year’s anniversary event in Bucharest, which will happen on the 9th, 10th and 11th of March 2020 and will feature a lot of surprises and opportunities for our entire network of DIHs, CCs and FIEs.
We came up with a lot of great ideas that you will see flourish over the coming months. So, stay tuned, and we will get to the next level together!