New SERVICE Open Call

On 22 September 2021, SmartAgriHubs officially launched a new Open Call: SERVICE. 

Research and Innovation are just the start of a challenging journey to successfully commercialise and use innovative solutions. With this new Open Call, SmartAgriHubs wants to identify the most promising approaches to facilitate digital innovation. 

This new Open Call supports the provision of services offered by Digitial Innovation Hubs (DIH). With this new Open Call, SmartAgriHubs will fund proposals that are developing, providing and validating DIH services as well as developing and validating innovative approaches to how to offer such services. 

An online event was organised on 29 September 2021, joined by over 60 attendees from all over Europe. During the event, Harald Sundmaeker (Work Package 2 Leader) presented SERVICE, its design and goals.  

The recording is now available on SmartAgriHubs’ YouTube channel. You can access the slide presentation in the Library of our Innovation Portal.

The next deadline for SERVICE will be on the 10 November 2021 at 17:00 CET.

Any questions?  

Read through the Open Call fiche on our website or ask Harald directly on the Forum!  

To celebrate the launch of this new Open call, we have prepared a new animated video! This video (re)introduce SmartAgriHubs to the general public. English subtitles are available. Feel free to share!  

oIRA tool in agriculture 

Geopa-Copa, the Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union, EFFAT, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions, and the EU-OSHA, the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, have been developing since December 2020 an Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool for the agricultural sector. Geopa-Copa and EFFAT are also the European social partners in agriculture, representing the interests of employers and workers, respectively. That is the reason why the forthcoming OiRA tool will comply with existing employment as well as health and safety requirements across the Union.

The OiRA tool will allow farmers to perform free online comprehensive risk assessments of their farms, easily complying with labour inspectorates nationally. The tool includes general modules, applicable to any farmer, and optional modules, dedicated to different agricultural subsectors that are animal farming, fruits and vegetables. The OiRA tool not only facilitates legal compliance but also indicates best practices, guiding principles and international standards, offering an overview of the state of art in the sector. The tool is currently being reviewed by the secretariats of Geopa-Copa and EFFAT as well as by their designated experts. After this beta phase, it will be translated to different languages and made accessible to all European farmers by the end of November this year.

You can access previous OiRA tools for other sectors here.

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Learn more about our new open call: SERVICE and the oIRA tool.

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