Spotlight on the Innovation Experiments!
In our last Newsletter, we provided you with more insight into the number of projects financed through our Open Calls. Innovation Experiments are where technology solutions are put into practice. Digital Innovation Hubs can support the realisation of Innovation Experiments, mobilise the related stakeholders, and facilitate access to Competence Centre related services.
Since the start of the SmartAgriHubs project in 2018, a number of Innovation Experiments have been conducted all over Europe. Some have already ended, while others are only getting started.
There are 28 SmartAgriHubs Flagship Innovation Experiments (FIEs). Flagship Innovation Experiments serve as benchmarks for other Innovation Experiments to strive towards. This is where technology solutions are put into practice.
It seems to be the perfect time for a video tour of all Flagship Innovation Experiments! Stay tuned, as we are also preparing an update of the SmartAgriHubs website page dedicated to Innovation Experiments.
"Discover our 28 Flagship Innovation Experiments on our Volta.Tv channel!"
Our video tour: discover our Flagship Innovation Experiments
Our team is currently visiting different Innovation Experiments in their home countries. Each video produced will be uploaded on Volta TV, under our dedicated channel.
Click here to discover the SmartAgriHubs FIE channel on Volta TV.
Community Building Training
Have you already joined our Community Building Training sessions? In these sessions, the Work Package 1 "DIH Ecosystem building" of SmartAgriHubs provides new DIHs with basic skills in communication & networking.
The training is divided into 6 chapters: (1) Innovation Portal; (2) Communication Strategy; (3) Public Affairs & Networking; (4) Digital Communications; (5) SEO & Online Advertisement; (6) Visual Identity.
Each session is dedicated to a different Regional Cluster. Until now, 7 sessions have taken place, gathering 43 attendees from all over Europe. The last session, dedicated to Regional Cluster North-East Europe, will take place on 10 November 2021. Make sure to register!

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Get the latest scoops concerning the SmartAgriHubs Ecosystem!
This time you will be the first to hear about our video series on Flagship Innovation Experiments and our Community Building Training.