of the past 6 months
Taking Stock
SmartAgriHubs connects the dots of agri-tech innovation to catalyse the digital transformation of the European agri-food sector. The project aims to realize this by fostering a self-sustaining agricultural innovation ecosystem dedicated to excellence, sustainability and success. To this end, a multi-stakeholder approach covering a wide value-chain of DIHs, CCs, FIEs and other agri-food stakeholders across all EU member states is deployed.
Visual Identity
The SmartAgriHubs Visual Identity gave the project its distinct corporate identity, thus allowing the project to be uniform in all its internal and external communication activities. The logo and colour scheme unites innovation, agriculture and hubs into one.
Communication Strategy
The communication strategy is the cornerstone upon which the success of the project’s dissemination rests. It is designed to help the network and its members to communicate effectively both internally and externally and meet the objectives of the SmartAgriHubs project.
MARCH 2019
Launch of the Website
The official launch of the website took place during the conference in Prague. The website is an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing platform which disseminates information on the Regional Clusters, Digital Innovation Hubs, Competence Centres, Flagship Innovation Experiments and Sectors. Furthermore, it is regularly updated with news articles and events.
APRIL 2019
Ecosystem Building Strategy
This strategy outlines the means to sustain and expand the current agri-tech innovation network by helping the SAH members to set-up a pan-European, multi-stakeholder innovation ecosystem. The ecosystem building strategy illustrates the actions to unite relevant stakeholders and their interests to expand the community altogether.
APRIL 2019
Identification of all existing CCs for DIHs and IEs
This document provides the first version of the catalogue of Competence Centres participating in SmartAgriHubs Flagship Innovation Experiments, Digital Innovation Hubs and other identified Competence Centres, providing their potential services.
Project Kick-off, The Hague
The de-jure launch of the SmartAgriHubs project took place in The Hague, The Netherlands. All Work Packages and Regional Clusters presented themselves and got to know each other.
Innovation Experiment Guidelines
This guideline was created to facilitate a successful implementation of all the Innovation Experiments and delves into the distribution of roles and responsibilities across all levels and work packages.
MARCH 2019
First SmartAgriHubs Stakeholder Conference, Prague
The de-facto launch of the SmartAgriHubs project. The event in Prague assembled over 300 project stakeholders in the impressive Prague Congress Centrum, and saw keynote speeches from our project coordinator, the European Commission and external speakers, as well as interactive workshops and an exhibition dedicated to our Regional Clusters. Moreover, it involved a Synergy Day where links were established between SmartAgriHubs and IoF2020.
APRIL 2019
IE Execution Plan
This deliverable presents the Execution Plans of all 28 Flagship Innovation Experiments, with an analytical overview on the current status of Experiments. The deliverable forms the baseline for measuring yearly progress of the Flagship Innovation Experiments.
APRIL 2019
1000 followers across Social Media
In this month, the sum total followers of all SmartAgriHubs social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram) exceeded 1000 followers! Our community is expanding both offline and online.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In velit lectus, posuere sit amet finibus ut, ultricies sit amet nisi. Curabitur bibendum vestibulum urna eu sagittis. Donec sed vehicula diam, sed tempor augue. Donec id
justo at libero hendrerit euismod. Phasellus pulvinar, justo ut hendrerit tempus, risus ante consectetur metus, ac dapibus quam nisl et nunc. Donec laoreet eros magna, id laoreet tellus egestas ac. Curabitur vitae suscipit nulla, scelerisque mattis ligula. Vivamus arcu mauris, varius ac lacinia eu, ullamcorper vitae ex. Suspendisse eget ornare ligula. Etiam pellentesque ut enim eu fringilla. Donec lorem dolor, semper vel urna quis, suscipit luctus eros. Sed nec erat felis.
Quisque aliquet urna sed fermentum feugiat. Sed interdum dolor nec ex lacinia elementum. Phasellus et euismod elit. Nulla et sem vestibulum, dapibus leo sed, sollicitudin nulla. Donec maximus porttitor gravida. Donec rutrum aliquam malesuada. Sed lobortis quam tellus, vel laoreet nulla dignissim a. Sed accumsan ligula vitae tristique sodales.
Pellentesque eu est urna. Cras mollis tincidunt varius. Pellentesque consectetur enim quis sapien consectetur, at pretium erat dignissim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque in libero est. Phasellus molestie eros volutpat nulla hendrerit egestas. Aenean a dictum enim. Fusce faucibus eros eget mauris dapibus, in venenatis dolor tempor. Cras consectetur malesuada magna, quis sodales lorem tristique et.