Read more about the coming update of the SmartAgriHubs website and the latest news from the SmartAgriHubs Final Event!
WHat's new 1/2

website update
The SmartAgriHubs team is working on refreshing the website, and we hope you will like it!
A smooth surfing
On the programme, we will update the user interface. With the new menu bar, the information will be two clicks away and the user will find the information they need straight away! It will also allow us to increase the visibility of our pages “Events”, “News & Blog” and “Newsletter” where we publish the great contributions we receive from our ecosystem.
A fresh layout
The next big change is the page layout!
The SmartAgriHubs website has a lot of content and information to offer. We will refresh the page layout - with lighter and more dynamic pages, we will increase our impact. Reading about SmartAgriHubs and digital innovation in agriculture will never be so easy.
A better flow
Besides the adaptation of the layout, The SmartAgriHubs team will also review the content and update it. We will complete the information to help new visitors understand the SmartAgriHubs project and adapt the information for the advanced users, so they get their way through the Innovation Portal.

And maybe a price?
And after that? We will put our freshly renewed website in the spotlight!
We joined the 2022 .eu Web Award, a prestigious contest rewarding and promoting the best websites from the domain .eu. And we would love to have your support to win this competition!
The votes will be open until 17 August 2022, vote now for us!

After almost four years of connecting the dots in the digital transformation of the European agri-food sector, SmartAgriHubs has built a lively Agri-tech network all across Europe. To celebrate the success of this project that has helped consolidate, activate and extend the Agri-tech ecosystem boosting the uptake of digital solutions by the farming sector, it is time for us to connect the dots… in person!
And with that in mind, SmartAgriHubs is celebrating its Final Event in Lisbon from September 26th to 28th.

We will count on the presence of relevant speakers during the sessions that will be organized. We are preparing workshops. Exhibition spaces will be available for attendees to connect directly with representatives from the different innovation experiments, synergy sessions with other EU-funded projects in the Agri-tech sector, field visits and many other interesting activities will also be in place. It will be an opportunity to meet with the SmartAgriHubs ecosystem and the dynamic European Agri-tech sector. We hope to foster many discussions on the legacy and sustainability of the project and its synergies with other European Projects. Registrations are already opened, so do not miss the chance to attend the most relevant Agri-tech event in Europe in 2022.
We will share soon more information on the agenda of the Final Event and on opportunities to exhibit or host sessions. You can find all the latest information regarding the Final Event on the new webpage Final Event.
We look forward to seeing you in Lisbon!