1. Editorial
In this edition, Maria Noichl MEP reflects on the role of women in agriculture through her editorial entitled “Power-Pay-Participation”, and on what the European Parliament is doing to improve gender equality in the agri-food sector.
2. Columns
Join Cynthia Giagnocavo from the University of Almeria on the need of a Gender Task Force in SmartAgriHubs, and the steps that must be taken. Moreover, take a look at Natalia Bellostas Muguerza from INTIA’s ‘The gender lens in research and advisory for an inclusive digitalisation of the
agri-food sector’.
3. Interviews
In this section we interview stakeholders from the wider SmartAgriHubs and IoF2020 ecosystems on their opinions with regards gender equality in the agri-food ICT sector.
4. Synergy
In this edition’s ‘Synergy’, we synergise with fellow H2020 project EURAKNOS. Want to learn more about what they do? Curious to see how they reflect on the issue of gender equality in the
agri-food ICT sector?
5. SAH news and tweets
A compilation of relevant news and tweets from our community!