This newsletter is a collaboration between Smartagrihubs and IoF2020. We are thankful to our external contributors. If you wish to contribute to our next edition, please reach out to or
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Launch new website
Women in Food & Agriculture is launching their new website and digital campaign which includes podcasts, videos and webcasts.
On Thursday, June 25th Women in Food & Agriculture is organising their first webcast on How food & agribusiness leaders address COVID-19 challenges.
You can learn more about this free webinar and register here
Webinar 'Ensuring Diversity
Women in Food & Agriculture is organising a webinar 'Ensuring Diversity is a Priority in Food and Agriculture Webcast' on Thursday 23rd July at 16.00.
This free-to attend webinar brings together diversity champions from across the sector, to discuss why in these challenging times, focusing on diversity should still be a key priority for businesses in Food & Agriculture.
One of the topics they will discuss is what businesses in food and agriculture can do to boost diversity at all levels of their organisation, that might be interesting for our activities.
See more or register here!
Agri-Food Cooperative Women of Spain
The Association of Agri-Food Cooperative Women of Spain, AMCAE, was created from the identification made in the framework of the Integra Project (2011-2013). It reflected the limited role and level of participation of (Spanish) women farmers and livestock breeders in agri-food cooperatives. The corrective measures proposed as a result of this finding are aimed at balancing and promoting the level of participation of women in cooperatives, as well as highlighting the need to create networks of women in the sector, to facilitate the sharing of objectives, challenges and lines of action.
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Here is a selection of popular tweets from our Community from over the past few months! Do you want to feature here in the next newsletter? Make sure to tag us at @SmartAgriHubs.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182.
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Agri-Food Cooperative Women of Spain
The Association of Agri-Food Cooperative Women of Spain, AMCAE, was created from the identification made in the framework of the Integra Project (2011-2013). It reflected the limited role and level of participation of (Spanish) women farmers and livestock breeders in agri-food cooperatives. The corrective measures proposed as a result of this finding are aimed at balancing and promoting the level of participation of women in cooperatives, as well as highlighting the need to create networks of women in the sector, to facilitate the sharing of objectives, challenges and lines of action.
Therefore, among AMCAE's objectives are the promotion, articulation and defence of the integration of women associates in agricultural cooperatives or societies of agricultural transformation, as well as their economic, political and socio-cultural participation. In order to contribute to these objectives, projects will be carried out in which, in addition, the aim is to encourage the visualization of women in the rural environment, to combat inequality between men and women, and to promote their access to training, innovation, technology and education.
In order to meet the objectives set, AMCAE has developed a program of actions of special interest to promote the role of women in rural development under the title "Women in Agri-food Cooperatives: Guaranteeing Territorial Sustainability and Advancing the Rural Environment".
More info at: