of smartagrihubs
The magnitude
Digital Inovation Hubs
Digital innovation hubs
In the spotlight
What is a Digital Innovation Hub? How does it look like and what kind of service do they offer?
Discover 3 DIHs of our ecosystem and their relationships to a variety of stakeholders!
Rural Industry Digital Innovation Hub
Farmer organisations
A: Finnish main farmer organization MTK is a member in our DIH via its regional department.
Other DIHs
A: Our competence centers have close connections to many local existing DIHs such as Tampere manufacturing DIH, Arctic Drone labs, 5GTNF, Robocoast etc. In addition, our DIH is participating to SAH activities and has established agreement with many eDIH proposals.
Digital Innovation Value Accelerator
Large Companies
A: The EDIH DIVA (Digital Innovation Value Accelerator) will support the digitization of companies (SMEs) by providing them services in order to develop and testing news services and solutions based on data and Artificial Intelligence. We will also work with services providers specializing in AI technologies.
Governmental organisations
A: We are working in close collaboration with local authorities, especially with the Pays de la Loire regional council. The DIVA project is part of the innovation strategy in the region for the development of the digitization of companies
Innovation Experiments
A: We are currently designing our services to IEs. We will offer services to develop infrastructures for experiments, access to data, strengthen the training offer in the field of data and AI and facilitate access to funding.
Rural Industry Digital Innovation Hub
Rural Industry DIH received its approval in January. Many main activities, however, have been running for years before we received accreditation by the founding competence centers. They offer prototyping services, training services, 3D modeling and printing.
How would you define a Digital Innovation Hub to someone who does not know the term?
A DIH is a support center for local entrepreneurs and their companies, having their main scope in the implementation of digitalization processes, new innovations and international networking. DIH is supposed to lower threshold for companies to utilize new solutions in their processes. It should promote commercialization without being commercial itself.

Twitter: @DihRural
LinkedIn: rural-industry-dih
The EDIH DIVA (Digital Innovation Value Accelerator)
The Digital Innovation Hub DIVA is supported by 2 structures, Atlanpole and EMC2. DIVA is a newly created DIH. It has been selected by the French government to answer the European Commission call for European Digital Innovation Hubs. DIVA would be become the one-stop-shop for the Pays de la Loire region regarding smart farming, innovation and agritech in general.
How would you define a Digital Innovation Hub to someone who does not know the term?
A EDIH is a consortium of actors intended to support the digital transformation of companies. This takes the form of a one-stop shop to collect the needs of SMEs and then redirect them to the appropriate services. These services concern access to funding, training, development and experimentation and networking through other European EDIH.

Twitter EMC2 @Polemc2
Twitter Atlanpole @atlanpole
Innovacoop was set in 2012 to promote innovation and internationalization within the cooperatives belonging to the regional association Legacoop Emilia-Romagna. Since the beginning, Innovacoop has supported them in assessing their needs, finding the right expertise and resources, and managing the innovation and internationalization projects. Recently, our activities have intertwined with those of the national Digital Innovation Hub of Legacoop (i.e. Fondazione PICO).
How would you define a Digital Innovation Hub to someone who does not know the term?
Innovating your processes, products and business models via digital technologies is a journey during which you need to find external experts, financial resources, new work methodologies and visionary perspectives. Usually, such a quest requires many attempts that often fail, money and a lot of time. A Digital Innovation Hub is the place where you find all that by just knocking at a single door.
