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Huge interest in the Digifermes webinars!
As the originally planned meeting hosted by Digifermes could not proceed in its planned format, an online series of webinars was hosted! Already more than 1450 people have registered.
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Pan-European hackaton comes up with solution for the agricultural sector
The #EuvsVirus hackaton, organised by the European Commision, had more than 20K participants. This event came up with more than 2100 ideas on how to tackle the current challenges in the EU due to COVID-19 crisis.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182.
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Huge interest in the Digifermes webinars!
The Digifermes network had planned an event in March to present the outcomes of several experiments of digital tools in a Digifarm located in the North-East of France.
Since the meeting was cancelled, it has been substituted by a serie of 4 webinars (2h each) to present the results. Digifermes had anticipated on about 200 registration, but was amazed by the amount of interenst from the community. The webinar series is a real opportunity to grow the Digifermes network and show-case the multiple experiments of digital services for farmers they have been testing.
The topics of the webinars are the following :
Weeding: How new technologies can support the complex weed management actions.
Soil and resources: services provided by technologies to better understand the soil and plants and use inputs variable rate applications.
Pests management : improve and simplify the observation of pests by connected tools.
Livestock and fodder : the role of digital tools to support protein autonomy, well-being of animals and farmers as well as the attractiveness and competitiveness of the profession.
More information on the Digifermes network? You can find them here (Language is French)

Pan-European hackaton comes up with solution for the agricultural sector
On the 24th of April the hackaton kicked off, and participants had three days to come up with brilliant ideas to solve challenges seen all over Europe due to the COVID-19 virus. With people participating from all over the world and having different backgrounds the most inspiring ideas come to live. In these times it is most important to share solutions, to help each other to get through this crisis. To see what brilliant ideas the Pan-European hackaton found for the agrifood sector click here.