Given the current awful situation brough about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and with most of us working from home and practicing social distance, we decided to come up with a few ideas to help you stay engaged with the SmartAgriHubs ecosystem. Here are some of our suggestions:

george beers
leader of Work Package 6
Project Management
workpackage 6
Connecting the dots in Smart Farming is the mission of SmartAgriHubs. Against this background the main objective of the SmartAgriHubs project is to consolidate and foster a European wide
network of Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture to enhance the digital transformation for
sustainable farming and food production.
During the first year, we increasingly developed ideas about how to shape Digital Innovation Hubs concepts into concrete actions for development of a network and attracting new partners (Digital Innovation Hubs, Competence Centers and others). The challenge for work package 6 (Coordination) is to fit all the puzzle pieces that are needed to build a network together: all the work in the project must come together to reach the mission.
Where workpackage 1 launched the innovation portal, where the Digital Innovation Hubs and Competence Centers can register themselves and exchange information, workpackage 2 (open call) is working directly on network expansion by attracting new innovation experiments. The workpackages 4 and 5 are attracting and empowering the Digital Innovation Hubs and Competence Centers in providing several services, which process is strengthened by the Flagship Innovation Experiments (monitored and evaluated by workpackage 3). We did not do this from scratch, but built on existing projects, such as Internet of Food & Farm 2020 (IoF2020) and other projects and networks on smart farming.
Looking back, the biggest highlights for the first year were for us the Prague Event, making the mission visible with all the partners present and the high-level event with the European Parliament.