28 September 2022
On the third day of the SmartAgriHubs Final Event, participants can expect more workshops on digitisation of agriculture and networking time in the Marketplace. SmartAgriHubs will also organise a farm trip to one of its Flagship Innovation Experiments. The day will end with a farewell cocktail in the Marketplace.
SmartAgriHubs Flagship Innovation Experiment demonstration
7.30 to 12.30
7.30 to 8.30
Location tbd
Get a chance to stretch before joining our conference! Yoga mats will be provided, bring only a smile and an open mind!
8.00 to 9.00
09.30 to 10.30
Auditorium 2
Pavilion 5
Room 1.02
Room 1.04
Room 1.06
Room 1.07
Room 1.08
Participants have the opportunity to join one of 7 interactive parallel workshops.
AgriBIT: precision farming requirements and DSS user interfaces
ROOM 1.08
complexity of Data ownership and Data sharing in real life Conditions
Pavilion 5
Open Calls for Proposal – Opportunities, Pitfalls, Challenges and Future Collaboration
ROOM 1.07
From Blue to Green
ROOM 1.02
Challenges for regional ecosystems after SmartAgriHubs
ROOM 1.06
Reference architecture & interoperability
ROOM 1.04
11.00 to 12.00
Auditorium 2
Room 1.02
Room 1.04
Room 1.05
Room 1.06
Room 1.07
Room 1.08
Participants have the opportunity to join one of 8 interactive parallel workshops.
Create a strong Innovation Ecosystem – share and match DIH Resources efficiently ROOM 1.02 |
Which business models for a more sustainable data economy?
Auditorium 2
Digitization process in pig farming & impacts of digitalisation by the food chain actors
ROOM 1.04
Digital farming - a reality check
ROOM 1.06
How to implement Responsible Research and Innovations in the AgTech and AgFood sectors ROOM 1.07 |
How to coordinate European agrifood innovation activities with an AI-driven tool?
ROOM 1.05
15.00 to 16.00
Auditorium 2
Room 1.03
Room 1.04
Room 1.06
Room 1.07
Room 1.08
Participants have the opportunity to join one of 7 interactive parallel workshops
Realising Data Spaces – Purpose, Challenges and Opportunities
Auditorium 2
The role of regional, national and european policies for the digital transformation
ROOM 1.06
Developing TechCoach concepts in European level, but regionally adapted
ROOM 1.03
Youth are our future - Building Sustained Smart Farming and Bioeconomy Competence ROOM 1.07 |
Food waste data collection, harmonisation, and valorisation
ROOM 1.08
Addressing gender inequality in the agri sector: an inclusive value chain
ROOM 1.04
16.00 to 16.15
Pavilion 5
CLOSING PLENARY SESSION - The Agri-Food Digitising Ecosystem in 2023-2030
In this session, our speakers will discuss policy recommendations and the benefits of digitisation for the AgriFood sector.
Chair: George Beers, Project coordinator
16.15 to 17.00
Farewell Cocktail
The complexity of Data ownership and Data sharing in real-life conditions
This workshop will first introduce the legal framework for data sharing in agri-food and dive into the relations with the current code of conduct on agricultural data sharing by contractual agreement.
Then will come an interactive session among the participants, and the organisers will work with them on several specific predefined data-sharing cases. Cases are conceived to be challenging in the application of the code of conduct for the identification of the data owners.
The final goal is:
- to make the participants aware of the complexity of data ownership
- to link between the high-level developments that are currently taking place and the practical cases in the daily businesses of farmers and food processors
Workshop Organiser:
Data4Food2030, ILVO, AgDataHub, Lisbon Council
From Blue to Green
Presenting relevant synergies between the aquaculture and agriculture industries, primarily presenting the work of 4 projects working in the areas of Circularity, waste valorisation and digitalisation in aquaculture under a “Blue to Green” theme, with emphasis on lessons learned, collaboration needed, and future synergistic actions to integrate aquaculture and agricultural research and innovation for mutual benefit.
Workshop Organiser:
iFishIENCi, Sea2Land & ALGACYCLE
Open Calls for Proposal – Opportunities, Pitfalls, Challenges and Future Collaboration
This workshop will be organised by SmartAgriHubs in collaboration with upcoming projects currently preparing new open calls. Attendees will be introduced to the experience gained in the different open call types of SmartAgriHubs – talking about challenges to attract innovative proposals, evaluation principles, evaluator involvement, and access to finance. Also, upcoming open calls will be presented that are specifically relevant to DIHs and their networks. The discussion with DIHs will address how to mobilise their networks and support their members in joining open calls and building cross-border collaborations. 09:30 Introduction and experienced challenges in the scope of the SmartAgriHubs Open Calls Speaker: Harald Sundmaeker (ATB) 09:40 Tool-based evaluation of open calls and synergies with other projects/initiatives 09:50 Access to finance for organisations & DIHs: Speaker: Ana Espert (PNO)
Speaker: Ana Cabrera Sánchez (CAJAMAR) 10:05 Upcoming open calls – approaches, offerings and synergies 10:20 Q&A 10:30 End Workshop Organiser: SmartAgriHubs - ATB Bremen (Work Package 2 Lead) |
Current and forthcoming legislation on data and digital tools at the European level
Regulations at the EU levels are evolving rapidly, especially those related to data and digital technologies. However, not all of them are directed to the agri-food sector, while some are indirectly connected. Besides, new regulations are currently under development and should be launched in the coming years. The first overview of regulations already implemented, those to be implemented and finally, those that could be of concern for the development of digital tools and solutions and around data management and governance could allow the first discussion among participants on the regulations that support or hinder the development of digital solutions as well as to start thinking about options for future regulations. Workshop Organiser: INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment - France) |
How to implement Responsible Research and Innovations in the AgTech and AgFood sectors
Consumers, society in general, and an increasing number of producers and actors of the agri-food systems are concerned by the impact of research developments and innovations on environmental and social issues. The implementation of the framework of RRI (Responsible Research and Innovations) is a way of providing digital tools and solutions while at the same time thinking about their consequences and putting actions in place to solve problems that can emerge. Developing a better understanding of this framework and the RRI way of thinking can be helpful to think about digital technologies in a way that will not make the world a worse place.
Workshop Organiser:
INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment - France)
EU-FarmBook project Community of Practice. Intellectual exchange group
The overall goal of the EU-FarmBook project is to strengthen the EU AKIS by further developing, expanding, exploiting, and maintaining an EU-wide digital platform for agriculture and forestry practice that is user-friendly and particularly oriented to farmers, foresters, advisors, educators, and trainers. Exploitation will include providing overall support related to concrete practice-oriented knowledge co-creation, (digital) organization and sharing among and across the Member States.
Specific objectives of EU-FarmBook (Among others):
- Collect all the relevant agriculture and forestry practice-oriented materials of all multi-actor Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects and all EIP Operational Groups.
- Engage and develop alliances (Strategic FarmBook Alliance) with a multitude of actors through interacting with CAP networks and interacting with other networks at the local, regional and national levels to ensure that content from similar databases at all levels will be collected and guarantee efficient dissemination of the outputs of the EU-FarmBook to the key target audiences throughout the EU.
Workshop Organiser:
Creating a strong Innovation Ecosystem – share and match DIH resources efficiently
In this workshop, we are exchanging experiences regarding the development of innovation ecosystems by DIH, CC and related stakeholders. Discuss the structural needs for creating a support structure for all players and how the matching of resources can support the innovation power of the region and the IEs at the same time.
Workshop Organiser:
Which business models for a more sustainable data economy?
Digitalisation has accelerated the production and consumption of data at an unprecedented pace. At the same time, the development of more sustainable and circular practices requires more data and information to follow and understand the impact of new products and/or services on the economic activities of the agri-food sector.
This workshop aims to gather two speakers that will describe the impact of digitalisation and then the impact of circular/sustainable practices on business models in the agri-food sector. Following this, a discussion about whether these two developments can or cannot co-exist in the agri-food sector will take.
Workshop Organiser:
Process of digitisation in pig farming & impacts of digitalisation by the food chain actors
A large number of very different and complex approaches are carried out to support the process of digitisation in pig farming.
To evaluate the effects and benefits of digitisation, stakeholders of various links of the pork food chain have the opportunity to get in touch with each other in the workshop.
Various innovative projects funded from different sources (Horizon 2020, EIP Agri, BLE) are presented to provide insight into digitalisation to increase pig health and competitiveness.
At the beginning of the workshop, experts from different countries give a short statement describing the situation and the challenges.
- Dr Hubert Gerhardy, Marketing Service Gerhardy
- Dr Marc-Alexander Lieboldt, LWK - Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony, Germany
- Michel Marcon, Institut du Porc, France
- Dr Anneleen De Visscher, Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij en Voedingsonderzoek, Belgium
- Gaia Amatteis, RootCamp GmbH, Germany
- Dr Christian Schmidt and Richard Lingemann, nifa & Marketinggesellschaft der niedersächsischen Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft e. V., Germany
Workshop Organiser:
SmartAgriHubs - Dr Hubert Gerhardy (Marketing Service Gerhardy): Regional Cluster North-West Europe Lead
Digital farming - a reality check
The needs within agriculture, the technical developments and the ecological, economic and soft goals about digitisation.
Open discussion with scenarios and questions using four stages in digitisation within farms to shed light on the usefulness of digital tools and data for each stage and place in perspective some political beliefs.
More information coming soon!
Workshop Organiser:
CEMA - European Agriculture Machinery Association
Code of Conduct:
Literature review on code of conduct which was input for the EC and the Dutch Ministry of agriculture
Interested in this workshop presented by Wageningen University? More information will be available soon!
Workshop Organiser:
Wageningen University & Research
Robots in agriculture: best cases so far and challenges ahead
Science and technology play a key role in agriculture evolution towards the Agriculture 4.0 and smart farming. To this end, robotics and autonomous systems are set to give us the opportunity to develop new range of flexible and sustainable agricultural equipment that improves the productivity and the reliability of products. Therefore, robots in precision agriculture are slowly becoming a viable option for decreasing costs, while at the same time optimizing yield, and protecting workers and the environment.
In this workshop, we will address challenges and opportunities introduced by applying robots in agriculture field operations, analyze the current trends of greenhouses and present the GreenSprayer solution. Then, we will try to answer and discuss about the following questions and topics:
- Current trends for state-of-the-art greenhouses.
- Agriculture robotics (agrobots): Impact and current trends.
- What are the challenges of using robots in agriculture?
- Enabling technologies for future agriculture robots.
- GreenSprayer: The autonomous robotic system for early disease and insect detection aiming for targeted 3D spraying.
Realising Data Spaces – Purpose, Challenges and Opportunities
Data Spaces are representing a new paradigm for collecting, aggregating, analysing and sharing data. At the same time, they are offering the opportunity to create synergies between the different stakeholders – like data owners, and end-users – while also aiming at interoperability and avoiding thinking in silos of business domains or sectors. At the same time, we are facing new challenges about complexity, the sensitivity of data, trust and scalability to name just a few. This workshop aims at assembling case studies, use cases or other types of innovation experiments/actions as well as inviting colleagues that work on e.g. technologies, business models or also legal challenges. We aim to exchange experience and discuss aspects like the following:
- purpose of a data space – data sharing of an organisation with an internal purpose or with external stakeholders –> What differentiates a Data Space from available approaches in the food system like data sharing via GS1 EPC IS?
- Data spaces versus business models, marketplaces and monetisatio
- Data Spaces and their difference w.r.t. data lakes or distributed databases with interoperable APIs
- Are Data Spaces defined from a technical/architectural perspective or rather from a data end-user point of view?
- What elements are already available for realising data spaces, when considering the efforts of e.g. GAIA-X, IDS, FIWARE, BDVA?
- Will Data Spaces require a new perspective on handling legal aspects, or does it remain “business as usual”?
Data4Food2030, ATB Bremen, Open Dei, Demeter, ATLAS, SmartAgriHubs
The role of regional, national and european policies for the digital transformation
In this workshop on H2020 DESIRA, speakers will:
- Present the preliminary results of DESIRA with regard to the analysis of policies in the different member countries of the consortium, as well as the draft synthesis report and Policy Roadmap.
- Discuss the role of Digital Innovation Hubs in digitisation and rural development policies.
- Identify key policy priority actions and topics to guide a sustainable digital transformation of the agri-food sector and rural areas.
- Exchange experiences, knowledge, good practices and policy actions at local, national, and European levels
Developing TechCoach concepts at the European level
There are ‘precision agriculture ‘ techniques already available for farmers in The Netherlands, but the dissemination of this innovation is hampered because farmers choose to stick with older methods of working, even though they have access to new techniques. The reason is that new techniques are often unknown and farmers lack the skill and knowledge to use them effectively and efficiently. As a consequence, technology companies are struggling to bring their innovations to the market. Due to the slow adoption of their innovations, their business model breaks down.
To help solve these issues, we propose to educate advisors as TechCoach. The TechCoach will be an intermediary between solution providers (technology companies, IT companies, knowledge institutions, etc.) and the farmers. The TechCoach interactive innovation will be a project where advisors will be trained to be more acquainted with technology and give them more control over the use of agricultural data. We will use an interactive approach involving solution providers, researchers and schools.
ZLTO (Zuidelijke Land- en Tuinbouworganisatie - The Netherlands)
Youth are our future - Building Sustained Smart Farming and Bioeconomy Competence |
The significant potential of young people in the implementation of smart farming technologies, sustainable agricultural development and in shaping the future of rural areas, in general, is widely acknowledged yet is largely untapped in digitalisation and technology adoption processes in agriculture. Young people are the experts, specialists, end-users, farmers and decision-makers of the future of rural areas, and therefore a long-term strategy needs to be built on the necessary support services to better integrate young people into development processes. In our project funded by SmartAgriHubs SERVICE Call, we pilot and evaluate new and updated DIH services by explicitly integrating young people into innovation development and, especially, implementation, to create long-lasting cross-generational and inter-disciplinary synergies. Speakers:
Workshop Organiser: SmartAgriHubs - Project AB Smart DIH |
Digital Innovations in the lens of current geopolitical issues
Most current digital developments have been thought in a world facing climate change and food security challenges. However, nowadays we also have to face global pandemics and wars, which impact the global way of looking at the world and introduce geopolitical issues.
How do digital technologies, and data sharing have to evolve to integrate these new challenges? Can we consider it is going to change the way they are developed and implemented? To sum up, do we need to take these new challenges into account jointly with the former ones?
Workshop Organiser:
INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment - France)
Food waste data collection, harmonisation, and valorisation
In this session, we will first present the challenges and opportunities for “food waste data collection, harmonisation and valorisation” based on Wageningen’s knowledge and past projects in this field. Then we will have a brainstorming session with the participants to discuss the three topics “data collection”, “data harmonisation”, and “data valorisation” separately. Finally, we will discuss the potential joint-research lines and collaboration opportunities with the participants.
Workshop Organiser:
Wageningen University & Research
Addressing gender inequality in the agri sector: an inclusive value chain
The European agricultural sector is undeniably facing several challenges including an ageing population and gender inequality. Only 28.7% of farm managers are women while on a wider scale, women’s gross hourly earnings are on average 16.2% below those of men in the European Union (EU-28). Furthermore, women have a lower adoption rate of agricultural technologies than men. Research suggests that this is not due to gender but gender-differentiated factors such as having less access to capital and owning smaller farms. This workshop will address gender inequality in the Agri sector from several different perspectives:
Farmer level - Female farmer participating in DEMETER to talk about her experiences
Policy level - World Farmers’ Organisation Policy Executive to talk about what can be done at the policy level
Technology level – Experience from a female-led agritech entrepreneur
Project level – What is happening in EU projects to support gender inclusivity?
Research – How can gender-inclusive research support agriculture?
Conclusion – to dos by attendees to support
Workshop Organiser:
Andy Zynga
Dr Andy Zynga is the CEO of EIT Food, a food innovation community working to build a future-fit food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all. EIT Food is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.
Based in Leuven, Andy has international experience in food systems, innovation, telecoms and technology services, and a proven track record in building profitable businesses in the US and Europe.
George Beers
Dr. George Beers is a Horticultural Engineer. He holds a PhD in Management Science with a thesis on project management. He is a specialist in strategic information management in agribusiness. Dr. Beers works for Wageningen since 1991 in several research and management positions. He is coordinating large-scale (EU) projects e.g. in the field of Future Internet in AgriFood. Since November 2018 he is the coordinator of the H2020 SmartAgriHubs project on Digital Innovation Hubs for Agriculture.
Pekka Pesonen
Mr Pekka Pesonen is the Secretary General of Copa, representing European farmers, and Cogeca, representing European agri-cooperatives, which together count more than 70 national farming organisations from across Europe. Previously, he worked as State Secretary for the Finnish Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry. In addition, Mr Pesonen has extensive professional experience in lobbying at the EU level on behalf of Finnish farmers, forest owners (MTK and SLC) and agri-forestry cooperatives (Pellervo). In the 1990s, he worked in the sales and marketing department of Valio, a Finnish dairy company. Mr Pesonen has also been a member of several high-level advisory groups concerning EU policy preparation. He is a qualified agronomist and is married with three teenage children.
SmartAgriHubs Farm visit
Please be ready at 7.15 am at the entrance of the Congress Centre.
Join SmartAgriHubs farm visit at the Companhia das Lezírias !
Founded in 1836, when the Portuguese Crown sold properties near the capital city, Lisbon, Companhia das Lezírias (Lezírias Company) is today the largest agroforestry property in Portugal, located about 30 minutes from Lisbon.
The largest property belonging to Companhia das Lezíria is the Charneca do Infantado, with 11 thousand hectares where the diversity of agroforestry activities merge with the diversity of habitats where fauna and flora are reconciled with humans. Its extensive area of certified forest, dominated by cork oak forests where cattle and horse production is integrated, is interrupted by patches of maritime and stone pine forests, eucalyptus forests, and an agricultural area dominated by corn, vineyards, and olive groves. Based on sustainability, Companhia das Lezíria has invested in research and conservation, supporting the most diverse national, European, and global projects, seeking to integrate the knowledge generated into its management.
The visit will start will consist of a guided cork tour and a visit to the vineyard and wine shop.
Transportation to the location will be arranged early in the morning. Participants in the farm visit will return to the Congress Center before lunch. Registration is required.
AgriBIT: Artificial Intelligence applied to precision farming By the use of GNSS and Integrated Technologies
The workshop session will briefly introduce the problem addressed by precision agriculture and the project's approach.
AgriBIT aims to improve the accuracy and continuity of precision agriculture by combining augmented GNSS and EO information with on-field and on-machine sensors and actuators, and with expert agricultural knowledge.
AgriBIT will deliver a platform for farmers and third parties which will support:
- Tillage Scheduling
- Irrigation Scheduling
- Crop Growth Monitoring
- Crop Yield Estimation
- Route Planning for unmanned vehicles (UAV & UGV) to navigate safely, efficiently and autonomously to perform crop monitoring and actuation tasks at any crop type.
The presentation will include:
- the description of precision agriculture solutions
- an overview of the project with our approach, which, as already mentioned, relies on the combination of augmented GNSS with the other data sources such as sensors and earth observation satellites
- AgriBIT platform architecture description
- the description of the technical solution to improve the accuracy of GNSS
- the explanation of the PA services listed above.
- the expected results
Workshop Organiser:
Challenges for regional ecosystems after SmartAgriHubs
With SmartAgriHubs coming to an end, the sustainability of various project products is considered, such as the Innovation Portal, the Agricultural Technology Navigator (ATN), and the training sessions. But what about the Digital Innovation Hubs and their interactions amongst them as a network? In most cases, regional networks were created, developed, and promoted by Regional Cluster. Could these networks sustain themselves in the aftermath of the project?
This session will focus on the sustainability of the regional network, the challenges and opportunities. How will DIHs continue with these interactions amongst them without the Regional Cluster? Are they prepared for this? Are they mature enough to sustain these networks? Do they have the tools and the will to maintain regional networks?
From the Regional Cluster (RC) Iberia's experience, Iberian DIHs do not use the distribution list to promote their calls, challenges or projects. On the contrary, they ask the RC for the distribution of information despite the RC's efforts to promote the distribution list and the Innovation Portal. The network does not work properly by itself.
During the monthly meeting among the RC Iberia and the Iberian DIHs and FIEs, a DIH suggested an interesting idea: creating “groups of interest” that DIHs and FIEs members could join, and which would be managed by themselves on a rotary basis so everyone would be involved.
Therefore, this workshop's objectives are the following:
- Identifying how DIHs, FIEs and IEs interact with each other.
- Identifying the benefits of maintaining the possibilities of those interactions (networks).
- Identifying ways of maintaining these networks, could the creation of “groups of interest” be a way to do that?
- In case “groups of interest” is a suitable tool, identifying possible “Groups of interest”, potential members and potential first managers
Workshop Organiser:
SmartAgriHubs - Regional Cluster Iberia
Reference architecture & interoperability
Three EU Horizon 2020 LSP projects (IoF2020 , ATLAS and DEMETER), with the support and coordination of OPEN DEI project, joined the forces to discuss on Interoperability of data and services considering it as a high-priority challenge for the domain to be addressed in order to achieve optimal use of Agri-food digital platforms. The effort resulted in a joint Paper (under publication phase) where approaches for technical and semantic interoperability are being presented, analysed and compared in the areas of their support for semantic Interoperability, Architectural approach, Contextualisation, Marketplace and User management. Commonalities and divergences have been put in evidence.
Based on the results and experiences of these projects a set of recommendations for future support for interoperability has been provided, in particular, relevant for future emerging initiatives aiming at interoperability support in the Agri-food sector. The authors will present for the first time such results to the public, opening a constructive discussion with the audience.
The Session will be the starting point for moving the discussion on towards dataspaces, in the Session of this afternoon led by ATB in the Data4Food context.
9.30 Driving collaboration: OPEN DEI role (Marianna Faraldi)
9.35 IoF2020 - RA main assets, Daoud Urdu
9.47 ATLAS - RA main assets, Stefan Rilling
10.00 DEMETER - RA main assets, Ioanna Roussaki
10.12 Comparison and conclusions, Marianna Faraldi
10.30 End of Session
The Session will be moderated by Marianna Faraldi.
Workshop Organiser:
Open DEI
Agrifood Ecosystem Navigator – How to coordinate European agrifood innovation activities with an AI-driven tool?
The Agrifood Ecosystem Navigator (AgENt) aims to better coordinate all agrifood innovation activities of hubs, accelerators, incubators and clusters in Europe by making actors and solutions easily discoverable, providing a common ecosystem taxonomy, listing funding opportunities and offering frequent exchange formats. In this session, we will demonstrate Agents with its abilities to gather semi-automatically information on innovation hubs, startups, investors, corporates, farmers and other relevant actors by crawling websites, social media communication and relevant public databases to present you with an up-to-date picture of potential new partners, funding opportunities, clients and support for your agri-food business.
We are interested to receive your feedback on the value of the functionalities and to play the application of AgENt through in a concrete example case. Please join our session if you are interested to get access to a modern ecosystem tool that reduces curation time, keeps profiles automatically up-to-date and allows to organize collaboration with other DIHs in Europe in open joint programmes, sharing resources, access to test and demonstration sites and access to funding.
Host chair: Alexander Berlin, Berlin Thinking
Supported by:
Ryan Edwards, Naked Innovations
Laurie Tan, Naked Innovations
Nadim Choucair, 2030 Cabinet
Workshop Organiser:
Agrifood Ecosystem Navigator (AgENt)